We commercialize
We export avocados, kiwis, lemons, clementine, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, blueberries and cherries to different parts of the world, both from our own growers and from third-party growers.
We market, produce, process and export avocados, kiwis, lemons, clementine, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, blueberries and cherries to different parts of the world. We do this both with our own growers and with third-party growers.
We export avocados, kiwis, lemons, clementine, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, blueberries and cherries to different parts of the world, both from our own growers and from third-party growers.
We have avocado and citrus plantations in different areas of our country. Our newest farm is in Santa Cruz, where we have the southernmost avocado plantation. This year we already harvest mandarins and avocados in that area.
We have 2 factories where we process the different species that we export. Cefrupal in Quillota and Las Mercedes in Pudahuel.
We export to different parts of the world, always seeking to maximize returns for our growers and diversifying risk. We are constantly exploring new markets and opportunities.